It's already been one transfer (6 weeks) since I've been in the
mission, it's crazy! I feel like it's going by so fast, and I want to
take advantage of every moment. This transfer was pretty exciting
though. I stayed with Elder Tan, but Elder DeLeon and Sister Beames
left, so now we have Elder Spain and Sister DeSpain (they're names are
uncanningly similiar, we still get them mixed up). It was really sad
when Sister Beames had to go home, hopefully she'll be able to get her
medical issues worked out and be back in the field soon, we're all still
praying for her to get better.
It's been a great week, and now I'm 19! I kept forgetting it was my
birthday because nothing changed haha. I opened some packages early in
the morning, but the rest of the day was normal. With Elder Spain being
18 I'm no longer the youngest in the mission age wise, but I'm still the
youngest in mission length. My birthday was really good though, I got a
bowtie and some truly wonderful Harry Potter figurines (I don't know
what else to call them).
I've never tied a bowtie before so cut me some slack, I tried to
follow the instructions though and I think this is how it is supposed to
look. Thank you Shane and Lisa for sending me that, along with the
polar bear (which I still haven't gotten used to yet, haha)!
These pretty much made my whole life, they are the most wonderful
little harry potter things that I've ever seen. I'm so thankful for
them, they're awesome!
On Saturday we were able to go to Philly and meet President and
Sister Anderson!! It was a great experience, made more so by all the
public transportation we had to take to get there. We took the bus, then
the train, then the subway. It was a long ride but the whole district
(eight missionaries) travelled together so it was a lot of fun.
So on the subway Elder Tan found this Chinese guy, and they were
just chatting in Mandarin the whole time, and Elder Jenkins could not
handle it, he was cracking up the whole time. He thought it was so crazy
that Elder Tan could speak Mandarin, he was breathless; and then he
kept laughing, mainly because I was laughing at him for being so
surprised/taken aback haha.
Meeting with President and Sister Anderson was great. They're
awesome and so golden, the Spirit was so strong at our meeting, they
have great desires to serve and are so humble. I love them, they're
going to be awesome. Plus it was cool because President Anderson
announced that we might be getting tablets in the near future, hopefully
ipads but he isn't sure, which would be so cool! Our zone, Cherry Hill
South, was able to get a picture with him afterwards.
And being my first time riding on a train, I had to get a picture. It wasn't as exciting as I was expecting, but then again my expectations were along the lines of: Europe, intense chase scene, free food, and rescuing the love of my life. Without all of that though it was still pretty fun, haha.
Anyways, I love being a missionary and I love and miss you guys.
The work is progressing and I'm so grateful to be apart of it. We're
meeting with some awesome people, and hopefully everything will work out
Elder Horne
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